Object variables
afterValidate() |
method |
beforeSave() |
method |
setUrl() |
method |
Sets the "url" attribute with a URL to this object |
canEdit() |
method |
Used to test if a certain user has permission to edit post, returns TRUE if the user is the owner or has other posts access. |
formatHtml() |
method |
scopeIsPublished() |
method |
scopeListFrontEnd() |
method |
Lists posts for the front end |
scopeFilterCategories() |
method |
Allows filtering for specifc categories |
getHasSummaryAttribute() |
method |
Used by "has_summary", returns true if this post uses a summary (more tag) |
getSummaryAttribute() |
method |
Used by "summary", if no excerpt is provided, generate one from the content. Returns the HTML content before the tag or a limited 600 character version. |
bootValidation() |
method |
Boot the validation trait for this model. |
forceSave() |
method |
Force save the model even if validation fails. |
validate() |
method |
Validate the model instance |
isAttributeRequired() |
method |
Determines if an attribute is required based on the validation rules. |
errors() |
method |
Get validation error message collection for the Model |
validating() |
method |
Create a new native event for handling beforeValidate(). |
validated() |
method |
Create a new native event for handling afterValidate(). |
table |
string |
rules |
array(4) |
belongsTo |
array(1) |
belongsToMany |
array(1) |
attachMany |
array(2) |
preview |